Thursday, January 30, 2025

Exercises page 27

5 Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then choose the correct phrase to complete each sentence.

1. I'm afraid Mrs Philips isn't in the office. She's out of town at an IT conference.

2. I'm sorry, but Miss Lyons is busy. She's in a meeting with the software developers. As soon as they finish, I'll tell her you phoned.

3. I'm afraid Mr Brown isn't here. He's on holiday in the Alps for two weeks. He'll be back on the 20th.

4. Just a moment, I'll get a pen and take down your full name and mobile number.

5. I'm sorry we got cut off earlier. My battery ran out.

6. Just a moment. I'll see if Mr Jeffries is in his office or out on-site - please don't hang up.

7. I'll see if Miss Hart can take your call. Can you please wait a moment while I put you on hold?

8. Mrs Banks isn't on-site today - can I take a message?

9. Could I leave a message for Tony? Please tell him I'll be out this afternoon testing the new software at the sports centre.

6 Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then copy and complete the sentences. 

1. When someone is speaking on the phone, it means their line is busy.

2. How do you spell that - is it J-U-D-Y or J-U-D-I?

3. I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting, but you have a call from your daughter. She says it's important.

4. Mrs Rose isn't at her desk; she's out of the office.

5. Mr Davies is busy at the moment. Shall I ask him to return your call later today?

7 Listen and repeat the words in colour in A. Then match them to their definitions in B.


1. unavailable e

2. transfer c

3. deal with d

4. urgent a

5. expect b


a. needs immediate attention. 4

b. believe that someone or something will arrive soon. 5

c. pass a call on to someone else. 2

d. take action to do something. 3

e. can't be contacted. 1

8 Choose the correct answer.

Will Samuels Called this morning while you were 1. on holiday/in a meeting. He 2. left/took a message saying that he has lost half of his client data and he needs an 3. urgent/unavailable solution. I told him you would 4. hang up/deal with his problem as soon as possible and that you would 5. return/transfer his call after your meeting. I 6. cut off/took down his mobile number in case you haven't got it. It's 093-425555.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Exercises page 25

5 Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then choose the correct answer.

1. Her presentation was very professional. She did a bad/good job.

2. The shop must be open/closed. There's no reply.

3. I will/won't be careful when I input the data.

4. She must be busy/free. The line is engaged.

5. There's a caller outside/on the phone waiting to speak to you.

6. Can you please speak up? I can't see/hear you very well.

6 Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then copy and complete the sentences. 

1. Sorry, what did you say? Can you repeat that, please?

2. Your mother rang an hour ago -you need to contact her immediatley.

3. One moment, please, I'll put you through to Mr Wright now.

4. This is not St Ann's Hospital. You've got the wrong number.

5. To dial a number abroad, put an 01 before the number.

6. From Monday, my new extension number will be 8015.

7. When you answer a phone call, state the name of the company.

7 Listen and repeat the words in colour. The words in colour are in the wrong sentences. write the sentences correctly in your notebook.

1. I need to speak to Betty as soon as possible. It's really important.

2. Can you ask Mrs Ford to ring back tomorrow? I'm too busy to talk to her today.

3. I've got a client on the line who wants to speak to the manager.

4. Try to avoid speaking too loudly on the phone.

5. Can you remind Ms Burns to prepare the invoice for Dell's Computer Shop?

8 Match A to B


1. If there's no reply from his office phone, a

2. Miss Scott is on the line for you. e

3. Avoid letting the phone ring a lot. f

4. They've tried to contact you several times, c

5. Before you dial the number, d

6. His line is engaged, b


a. he's probably working off-site. 1

b. so I'll phone him later. 6

c. so call them as soon as possible. 4

d. press 9 for an outside line. 5

e. She needs to place an order. 2

f. Answer it quickly. 3

If there's no reply from his office phone, he's probably working off-site.

Miss Scott is on the line for you. She needs to place an order.

Avoid letting the phone ring a lot. Answer it quickly.

They've tried to contact you several times, so call them as soon as possible.

Before you dial the number, press 9 for an outside line.

His line is engaged, so I'll phone him later.

Unit 6 Vocabulary


Unit 6 Vocabulary

as soon as possible = tant aviat com sigui possible          on the line = a la línia
avoid = evitar                                                                     professional = professional
be careful = aneu amb compte                                          put you through = fer-te passar
caller = persona que truca                                                 remind = recordar
contact = contacte                                                             repeat = repetir
dial a number = marca un número                                    ring back = torna a trucar
engaged = compromesa                                                   speak up = parla
extension number = número d'extensió                            state = estat
no reply = cap resposta                                                    wrong number = número incorrecte

cut off = tallat                                               out of town = fora de la ciutat
deal with = tractar amb                                put you on hold = posar-te en espera
expect = esperar                                         return your call = torna la teva trucada
hang up = penjar                                         spell that = lletreja això
in a meeting = en una reunió                      take a message = agafar un missatge
interrupt = interrompre                                take down = baixar
leave a message = deixa un missatge        transfer = transferència
line is bussy = la línia està ocupada           unavailable = no disponible
on holiday = de vacances                           urgent = urgent
out of the office = fora de l'oficina

bad connection = mala connexió                         line is free = la línea és gratuïta
call back = tornar a trucar                                    offer assistance = oferir assistència
calling on behalf of = cridant en nom de
speak a little more slowly = parla una mica més lentament
clearly = clarament                                              take a call = prendre una trucada
end a conversation = acabar una conversa        voicemail = bústia de veu
get through = passar                                           Would you mind...? = t'importaria...?
interference = interferència

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Exercises page 23

 5 Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then copy and complete the sentences. 

1. It's  important to follow instructions when you assemble a computer. That way, you won't make any mistakes.

2. Make sure you back up your data every day, in case you get a virus.

3. You need to install anti-virus software to protect the system.

4. Invent a new password with 10 letters and numbers.

5. If the computer crashes when you're working on something, you may lose all your information.

6. The file has probably been deleted, but let me see if I can recover it.

6 Liste and repeat the words in colour. Then choose the correct answer. 

1. When I work off-site/on-site, I have to drive to different places.

2. Let's use the stairs/lift. The meeting is on the 30th floor.

3. The keys are ready for you to collect from the hotel reception/ground floor.

4. Pay for your car parking at the entrance/exit when you leave.

9 Match A to B to form sentences.


1. You need to run a virus h.

2. My office is at the end of the d.

3. The office building is on your a.

4. I'll meet you outside the sports g.

5. My sister works at the post b.

6. The library is next to the train f.

7. Just insert the disc and follow the c.

8. At the end of the day, make sure you do a e.


a. left

b. office

c. instructions

d. corridor

e. backup

f. station

g. centre

h. scan

You need to run a virus scan.

My office is at the end of the corridor.

The office building is on your left.

I'll meet you outside the sports centre.

My sister works at the post office.

The library is next to the train station.

Just insert the disc and follow the instructions.

At the end of the day, make sure you do a backup.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Exercises page 21

5 Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then copy and complete the sentences. 

1. You use the power button to switch the computer on.

2. You use the volume control to turn the sound up or down.

3. I think there's a loose connection in the switch. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

4. Go to the control panel and click on the sound icon, then click on internal speaker.

5. If you selecte the mute box, you won't be able to hear anything.

6. A no signal message means the computer is not connected to the monitor.

6 Liste and repeat the words in colour. Then choose the correct words. 

1. You have to log off/press and hold the Control key and P to print.

2. To reinstall/restart the computer, try pressing the power button again.

3. Before you open the computercase, make sure/reconnect to switch off the power supply.

4. Every so often, the computer freezes/reopens. It just stops in the middle of what you're doing.

5.The graphics card is broken. You'll have to replace/shut down it.

7 The words and phrases in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write the sentences correctly in your notebooks.

1. You should reinstall your e-mail account when you're finished.

2. My computer went for repair and now I must reconnect some programs.

3. Now, the fan isn' working. I have to shut down the case.

4. Check the cable and then log off the mouse to the keyboard.

5. At the end of the week, please reopen all the computers in the office.

1. You should log off your e-mail account when you're finished.

2. My computer went for repair and now I must reinstall some programs.

3. Now, the fan isn' working. I have to reopen the case.

4. Check the cable and then reconnect the mouse to the keyboard.

5. At the end of the week, please shut down all the computers in the office.

8 Choose the correct answer.

1. The reason you can't hear anything is because you have selected the c.

a. control panel

b. power button

c. mute box

2. If you want the music louder, turn it up using the b.

a. loose connection

b. volume control

c. no signal message

3. Before you close the file, a you save all the changes you have made.

a. make sure

b. shut down

c. reconnect

4. The monitor wasn't working, so we b it with a new one.

a. reinstalled

b. replaced

c. reopened

5. If you a these three keys, you will be able to shut down the computer.

a. press and hold

b. log off


Unit 5 Vocabulary


Unit 5 Vocabulary

control panel = panell de control                no signal message = missatge sense senyal
loose connection = connexió dèbil             power button = botó d'encesa
mute box = caixa de silenci                        volumen control = control de volum

freeze = congelar                                            reinstall = reinstal·lar/tornar a instal·lar
log off = tancar sessió                                     reopen = tornar a obrir
make sure = assegurar-se                              replace = tornar a col·locar/substituir
press and hold = pressionar i mantenir           restart = reiniciar
reconnect = tornar a connectar                       shut down = tancar

anti-virus software = programa anti-virus                     lose = perdre
back up = còpia                                                            password = contrasenya
follow instructions = seguir instruccions                       recover = recuperar

airport = aeroport                                                     off-site = fora del lloc
department store = grans magatzems                     on-site = en el lloc
entrance = entrada                                                  post office = oficina de correus
exit = sortida                                                            reception = recepció
factory = fàbrica                                                       shopping centre = centre comercial
ground floor = planta baixa                                      sports centre = centre esportiu
library = biblioteca                                                    stairs = escales
lift = ascensor                                                           train station = estació de tren

at the end of the corridor = al final del passadís       opposite = contrari/davant per davant
go straight = anar recte                                             turn left/right = girar a l'esquerra/la dreta
on your left/right = a la teva esquerra/dreta

assist = assistir                                                    maintenance = manteniment
at the traffic lights = als semàfors                        manual = manual
breakdown = aviar                                               performance = rendiment
corrupt files = fitxers corruptes                            problem solving = resolució de problemes
cross the road = creuar la carretera                    recovery = recuperació
debugging = depuració                                        reset = restablir
diagnose = diagnosticar
take the first left/right = agafar la primera a l'esquerra/la dreta

Exercises page 31

4 Listen and repeat the departments in colour. Then choose the correct answer. 1. Thank you for calling. I'll be happy to refuse / assis...